
Date Added

September 2, 2021

Related Sounds

Zack Villere, Deaton Chris Anthony


"It’s usually just me, but I need feedback to survive sometimes. You can sink in your own echo chamber. You also need to stand your ground, I’m learning. You’ve got to be okay not being 100% understood. People can get to 60% pretty easily, but then they try to fill in their own 40%. That belongs to you."


Location: LA, Atlanta

• Has been posting music since 2017 on SoundCloud and continues to post loose tracks

• Breakout Spotify hit Naked premiered by Zane Lowe on Beats One Radio

• Consistent positive engagement over the past two months (July, August 2021. Chartmetric)

Socials & Links

Link to artist's instagramLink to artist's tiktokLink to artist's website

Management & Label


Record Label: n/a (unsigned or unknown)

Photo from Instagram

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